Ten Reasons to Have Fun at Anaheim’s Parks

Anaheim is a terrific city to live in because there’s always something fun going on.  It’s also home to several parks, which are all free and open for anyone to enjoy. Here are some reasons you should make an effort to get out to one of Anaheim’s many parks today!

  1. You get exposure to the sun and can meet your daily requirement of Vitamin D if you stay out at least fifteen minutes.
  2. You can meet new friends.
  3. You get an opportunity to scope out a different side of the city.
  4. You will get fresh air.
  5. You can take your children or pets out to play.
  6. You can hear yourself think and reconnect to your intuition.
  7. You can do some light exercise that will get your blood flowing.
  8. You will reconnect with nature and learn more about yourself.
  9. You can enjoy the simple pleasures in life, such as sitting down outside and reading a book.
  10. You will truly feel like a part of Anaheim’s community.

So put your laptop and phone down and visit a park in Anaheim today!